Ark Steampunk mod Troubleshooting

Ark Steampunk mod Troubleshooting

Mod Mismatch Errors, and how to fix easily them.


It can occur during the download of an update when an interruption may have occurred and few bits of information went missing between steam’s file repository and your server or system.


Files were corrupted during an installation or update due to an interruption.

This happens to a small number of users after any ark mod and sometimes game update, it is unfortunately just bad luck during download that an interruption or a checksum failure occurs, It is something mod makers can’t prevent. The effects of a mismatch vary depending on what files are altered or missing.

Steam checks game files for mismatches by verifying game cache integrity, But mods do not get checked in the same way. This means the mod folder will need to be corrected manually on either the server or the client system.


Delete mod folder 679529026Β and redownload it.
Do this on your system if Singleplayer or the server if Multiplayer.
If you update the server files via FTP using a copy of the mod files on your system, check to make sure your system files are correct by running it in singleplayer first.

You may want to rollback to the previous save before the issue, but this depends on the type of mismatch, if no parts are missing from your server or game it is not required.

If you are using this guide to correct a mismatch error that has occurred with a different mod, simply reference that mod’s ID number folder in place of the example above πŸ™‚

How to identify if the mismatch is in the server files or the user files;

If one user is having the issue on the server but no one else, then the users mod folder 679529026 needs deleting and redownloading (on their personal computer)

If all users are having issues on the server, but it runs fine in singleplayer, the server mod folder 679529026 will need deleting and redownloading. (On the server)

** Additional thing to check but this is a rare occurrence
If the server is using an auto updater that comes pre-packaged with a rented server, such as HAVOC, a cached copy of the mod may be stored in the server files, ensure that this cached copy (if present) is deleted as it will more than likely be outdated.
If you are using a rented server we always recommend updating via FTP as some of the pre-packaged auto updaters supplied with rented servers are not capable enough of handling ark mods, most are designed manage updates for smaller games and mods such as CSGO.
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